In December 2024, we hosted workshops with with elementary school teachers, public health nurses, and psychologists to understand the supports & barriers to their sexuality education teaching practices in Fredericton!
As a way to begin our work together, we engaged in a gallery walk, where we explored & annotated some of the artworks that other teachers have produced in the Sexuality NB project since 2022.
We used a question box to ask participants, “what does your current sex education practice look like?
We created collages that took up the prompt, “How might we infuse pleasure into teaching sex education in a K-5 context?”
Next, folks were asked to consider and create clay genitals, in order to bring play and creativity into the sex ed space (and to move beyond the 2-d labeling worksheets that are a common practice)
We also created a cellphilm on the question "where do we go from here?"